I Thought I'd update everyone about all the goings on, here at the ranch. We've had a couple more bobcat attacks lately. Another weanling goat was injured in the exact same places as the first - the inside hind leg and an ear. This goat wasn't hurt as bad as the first - who is now doing fine. Also we are now down to only one hen - I suspect again, due to a bobcat. The other attack was on a beautiful yellow manx tomcat. He was cut up pretty bad, but seems to be getting better! Teryn found a nest of baby bobcats between the house and the goat barn a few months ago, but he couldn't bring himself to kill the kitty's. Some thanks for his kindness!!!
The Escuela de Espanol is awesome! We sit in a circle and talk, gesture....and laugh- it feels surreal!! Almost as if we were back in time a couple hundred years, trying to talk to the Indians. Last night we talked about bobcats, and how to make Ascedero (a Mexican cheese made from Nightshade - a poisonous weed that produces yellow berries). Emma and I are going to make some this Thurs.! If I don't post for awhile - you'll know we did something wrong, and got poisoned!! Last night I dreamed in Spanish. I remember waking up briefly from the dream, and almost saying something to Teryn in Spanish before remembering and switching back to English!
MiHijo had a little operation yesterday! I think we will be seeing a much milder attitude soon! We gelded him in the pasture by the road, and were happy to see him up by the house pens this morning eating grass - it's about a mile walk, and the walking is really good for him! We'll wean MiHijo in a few weeks, after he heals from this operation. Once he gets weaned, I'll be able to really start teaching him tricks - I can't wait!!!
We've been doing bible study daily! The other day we went across the road to Morgan and Michelle's house and had some supper, then did a bible study with them! We really, really, enjoyed their procedure of reading passages, and then having each person discuss how the passage applied to their life! Oh, and the supper was great too! Teryn and I are so happy that we are FINALLY understanding the bible. The wisdom there is incredible! When upsetting things happen, we sure are tempted to react as our human nature dictates, but when we respond in the way that the bible teaches, we are ALWAYS happy with the end result!
Don't know if you can tell or not, but life at Saucida Creek ranch, in Pinto Canyon, is incredibly satisfying! Enough ramblings for now! Hope you all have a great week!