Sunday, March 28, 2010


Shenanigan is my new baby mule!!! I don't know a whole lot about him, but I do know that a ranch hand in the area put a donkey out with some mares and about a year later, Shenanigan showed up. The rancher didn't want the baby mules and gave them away...I'm not sure what happened to the ranch hand! Anyway, I think Shenanigan is the result of a joke gone bad, and I am the beneficiary! I am soooo lucky!!! If I had picked my favorite color, it would have been exactly what I got!!! You can't really see it now, but when he sheds out in a couple of weeks, his Jerusalem cross, and the dorsal stripes on his legs will show up. I'm sure he'll be beautiful! I did some round pen work with him today, and he caught on real fast, and was "facing up" in no time! He is 10 months old right now and very wild. I can't wait to get him gentled and start teaching him tricks! I don't know much about mules, but I'm betting with the family I have that we'll be able to make an amazing mule out of him - and I'm betting that the joke won't be on us! Anyway, stay tuned to the blog, I plan on posting Shenanigan's progess!

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