Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

Happy Easter Everyone!!!

I hope you have a great day today. Thought I'd send a couple of Easter thoughts.

*Did you know that Easter is THE most significant Christian holiday? Among a dozen other reasons, it's because Christians are the ONLY ones who worship a living God. All other religions worship people who are dead and gone!

*I was looking up Christian symbology at Easter and found a symbol I was unaware of that I will start incorporating into our Easter celebration. It is the rooster! I read that in Europe the churches don't have crosses on top, they have roosters as a reminder not to deny Christ the way Peter did! What a fun symbol to use at Easter time!

*Last one of my friend posted the little poem below on her facebook message today. I loved it so I copied it and pasted it. I hope you enjoy it too!

Up from the grave He arose
with a mighty triumph oer His foes,
He arose a victor from the dark domain,
and He lives forever with the saints to reign...

He arose.....Hallelujia...... Christ Arose!!!!!!!!

Have a Great Day!!

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