Sunday, June 6, 2010

Tokayo's Progress

Teryn is making progress with Tokayo. You can see from the picture that he is doing good in the round pen. Teryn plans to ride him in the arena tomorrow. I also put a picture of me grooming Tokayo who is smooth and sleek now. For awhile I told Teryn that Tokayo and him had a 'kinship' of hair color, but Tokayo has lost his winter coat, along with much of his silver, Teryn seems to be getting more!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

My new Hybrid

I was looking up some information the other day, and one of the sites I found called mules hybrids. I thought it was cute, and accurate in terms of efficiency, and vigor! Anyway this is one of the pictures Holly took on Easter. After lunch TLee helped me work my little mule and I finally got to pet him!!! He wasn't crazy about the process, but I'll give him a little time, and I'm sure it won't be long until I have another little dorse (dog/horse)!!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

Happy Easter Everyone!!!

I hope you have a great day today. Thought I'd send a couple of Easter thoughts.

*Did you know that Easter is THE most significant Christian holiday? Among a dozen other reasons, it's because Christians are the ONLY ones who worship a living God. All other religions worship people who are dead and gone!

*I was looking up Christian symbology at Easter and found a symbol I was unaware of that I will start incorporating into our Easter celebration. It is the rooster! I read that in Europe the churches don't have crosses on top, they have roosters as a reminder not to deny Christ the way Peter did! What a fun symbol to use at Easter time!

*Last one of my friend posted the little poem below on her facebook message today. I loved it so I copied it and pasted it. I hope you enjoy it too!

Up from the grave He arose
with a mighty triumph oer His foes,
He arose a victor from the dark domain,
and He lives forever with the saints to reign...

He arose.....Hallelujia...... Christ Arose!!!!!!!!

Have a Great Day!!

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Shenanigan is my new baby mule!!! I don't know a whole lot about him, but I do know that a ranch hand in the area put a donkey out with some mares and about a year later, Shenanigan showed up. The rancher didn't want the baby mules and gave them away...I'm not sure what happened to the ranch hand! Anyway, I think Shenanigan is the result of a joke gone bad, and I am the beneficiary! I am soooo lucky!!! If I had picked my favorite color, it would have been exactly what I got!!! You can't really see it now, but when he sheds out in a couple of weeks, his Jerusalem cross, and the dorsal stripes on his legs will show up. I'm sure he'll be beautiful! I did some round pen work with him today, and he caught on real fast, and was "facing up" in no time! He is 10 months old right now and very wild. I can't wait to get him gentled and start teaching him tricks! I don't know much about mules, but I'm betting with the family I have that we'll be able to make an amazing mule out of him - and I'm betting that the joke won't be on us! Anyway, stay tuned to the blog, I plan on posting Shenanigan's progess!

2 Adorable Kids

1st Kindergoats

Introducing our 1st Kindergoats - sort of! These are only 75% Kinder, but it's a start! I'm also happy to announce that they are both girls, most of our dairy babies have been boys!

Dr. Ryanna

Maybe Ryanna will decide young that she wants to go into healthcare! She's already doctoring the animals!!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010


This is a baby donkey that I am taming for a friend. He leads pretty good, and I can pet him all over. Maybe I'll surprise her with a trick or two before I finish with him! He should be a large standard donkey when he is grown.


Bonzai is my new Pygmy goat. We will be able to breed him to our young Nubian goats and get Kinder goats - a breed that is known for being great meat and milk goats. Another perk is that the babies are beyond adorable! I'm naming all my milk does after flowers - didn't think a flower would be appropriate for a billy - so I named him after a tree. Anyway, I'm trying to find an extremely colorful flower because I have a really colorful young doe that I'm trying to name. If you have any ideas, let me know. So far I have does named Rosebud, and Buttercup.

Mi Hijo's New Trick

Mi Hijo will now lay down on command. I'm preparing for when I'm too old to climb up! I'll be able to lay him down and get on without any problem. All I have to do is pick up his hoof, and tell him what I want. 1, 2, 3! Isn't he the smartest donkey ever!