Sunday, June 1, 2008

Wonderful, Lovely Donkeys!!

Last night our chapel group met here at the ranch, and I put MiHijo through his paces. He was a HIT! They loved his tricks!
The other day, I was trying to get MiHijo to pick up a piece of paper sack for me, but he thought the sack was a donkey eater! So we had a little 'situation' on our hands. As I was working with MiHijo trying to convince him that the sack wouldn't hurt him. Teryn made the comment that he thought I would win the battle. I smiled inwardly thinking that Teryn was aknowledging my superior intelligence and awesome training ability. After I thought about it for a minute, I realized that there was a certain smugness in his voice that sort of changed the meaning of what he'd said! He was really referring to another quality that donkeys in general, and I specifically, are well known for. Whatever the reason, I am proud to say that Teryn's prediction was accurate. It won't be long before MiHijo and I can take a walk, and he will pick up trash for me!
I'm adding a site about the Burro Lady of the Big Bend. It's worth it to take a look at the article. The Burro Lady was a living legacy for many years. I always admired her, and it was always a treat to see her in her travels! The following is one web address -;msg56596 If you have trouble with that address you can type in a search on: judy ann mager @ big bend chat. com - a good article should come up.

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