Saturday, March 29, 2008

MiHijo Relaxing

I've been sitting in the back yard enjoying the day now that it's warmed up a bit. Usually when I'm out there, MiHijo comes up, so I let him into the yard with me. He's so funny! He likes to get as close to me as he can, then he puts his head in my lap, and just relaxes. It is so cute. If you've never been around donkeys, I am sure they are part dog, horse, and teddy bear!

Pine Tree Crosses

Story of the Pine Tree Cross
When we were outside at Mawmaw and Pawpaw's house, they started talking about the little crosses at the tops of the pine trees surrounding their house. Once they pointed them out, I begain looking, and I saw hundreds of little crosses scattered among the trees. I was very curious to learn about the little crosses, so when we got home I started searching. I found out that Pine Trees start their new growth in the weeks before Easter - in the form of yellow shoots. As the days get closer to Easter Sunday, the tallest shoot branches off to form a cross. By the time Easter Sunday comes around, most Pine trees have small yellow crosses on all of the tallest shoots. What an amazing Easter gift to look at the crosses at the tops of the Pines, pointing to heaven, reminding everyone of the amazing sacrifice of Jesus Christ! The picture shows one that I got for a keepsake.

If you would like to see a picture you can click on the following webaddress.

The Prodigy

Ryanna is only 4 months old, and she can already show us how much she loves her Mimi! ;^)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Other Pictures From Our Trip

Over the River and Through the Woods

Pictures from Grandma (and Grandpa and Mawmaw and Pawpaw's)house. They are: 2 Men and a Baby. 2 Bell(e)s. 4 Generations of Belle's and (Pa)Tricia's. 5/8th's of Us. Heaven!

Monday, March 10, 2008


Ryanna is changing so fast!!! In the picture of me holding her, she is holding my hair in her fist. She doesn't know it yet, but she holds a lot more than that in her tiny hand. Namely my heart!!