Monday, September 21, 2009

EMM Picture

I knew I'd get a picture! This one came by way of Clay. Darrell Dodds, the publisher of Western Horseman, sent it to Clay, who forwarded it to me. Thank you Clay and Darrell!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Mustang Makeover Results

We had a great time at the Mustang Makeover this weekend in Ft. Worth!!! I wish I had some pictures, but we were several miles down the road when I thought about the camera. I'm sure someone will send some pictures soon, and I'll post them when I get them.

OK, OK, the results...Rainmaker did a great job this weekend, with some beautiful sliding stops, and solid performances every time they showed! In the finals Teryn Lee opted to do some working cow horse exercises, then finished by getting his rope down in the last minute of his performance, and roping a steer.

They wound up winning 3rd overall in the Pro division. The auction was today, and Rainmaker was the 2nd highest selling horse there. A family from San Angelo bought him. This family has been to a couple of Teryn Lee's clinics, and were impressed by Rainmakers progress and easy going attitude. Teryn Lee and Holly were happy to see Rainmaker go to a good home!

In addition to everything else, Teryn Lee and Holly are coming home with a 3 year old mustang to train for someone who was at the competition.

Overall, I'd say it was a pretty good weekend! Thanks to everyone who came to support and have a good time! Be sure to check out Teryn Lee and Holly's blog and take a look at Rainmakers pictures in the beautiful west Texas 'desert!'

Sunday, September 6, 2009

It's Out & It's Awesome!

The 2010 Western Horseman Calendar is out. Take a look at the following web site and see if you know the handsome guy in the 2nd picture! If you're closely related to us - DON'T buy the calendar!